Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Hashtag Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone! Kind of snuck up on a lot of us this year, I know. It honestly didn't even really feel too Christmas-y for me until a day or two ago. I mean, yeah, the songs are everywhere, and people are out clogging all the highways trying to get presents, but I honestly haven't felt much in the way of Christmas spirit until a few days ago. But now the cheer is here, so here's me spreading the Christmas cheer to all three of my readers! Wow!

(Gettin' there. Reader-count's steadily climbing. It's, uh... I'll be internationally known before long, I think.)

Anyway. I think the biggest thing about Christmas is not so much the inescapable consumerism, but more the general happy-go-lucky attitude associated with the holiday. I mean, really, it's not so different from any other day, but it does (hopefully) get us into the giving mood. Take me, for example: I'm giving you all words for Christmas! Lots of them! Over the internet!

(If you don't like my present to all of you, just remember this: at least it isn't fruitcake! Don't make me buy you fruitcake. I will. I'll watch you eat it, too.)

Citron-based threats aside, though, I hope you all have a great Christmas this year! I know I won't be able to spend it with a lot of you because I have so many friends now who live in faraway lands thanks to college, but I'll be thinking of you all while I'm stuffing my face full of ginger cookies. I'll eat one for each of you. I think I probably have enough.

All jokes aside, I'm really happy to have the collection of friends that I have today. You're all so weird and interesting in your own special ways, and it sounds cliche as all hell, but I don't really care. You guys are great! Hopefully this break will be full of relaxation for all of my fellow students who've been working their asses off this semester. We'll play games and stuff together to help with that, don't worry. I've got you covered. Gonna craft the mines and kart the Marios and all that good stuff. S'what I'm good for.

Anywho, time to sleep! Santa can't deliver to the house while I'm awake, and I can't get in the way of his busy schedule, now, can I? Merry Christmas, guys! Hope the haul is good this year!


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