Monday, December 29, 2014

Hashtag Resolution

Welp, New Years is a-comin', and we all know what that means! New Years Resolution time!

I guess I've never actually done a real one of these before, though. I mean, people always ask "Oh, what's your New Years Resolution going to be?" and I've always had to sort of fumble around for an answer that I didn't really mean--which was always an unsurprisingly short-lived sentiment when all was said and done. This year, though. This year I've decided on the resolution without even thinking of New Years at all. I created an idea of what I want to do with my life in the near future, and afterwards said to myself, "Hey, y'know what? I should make this my New Years Resolution!"

So I did. Anyway, I bet you are all just dying to know what my resolution actually is at this point, but I must urge you to please attempt to stave off your anticipation for just a few more lines. I know it's hard. I know you need to know everything about my life or you'll just die, but I'll get there soon, don't worry. Calm yourselves.

I think I want to word my resolution in the most elegantly vague way possible, so as to fit all of the things I want to do within one blanket statement. I've narrowed down a common theme, I think. And, of course, there needs to be a metaphor. We're going all out this year. Gonna do the thing--and, in this case, the thing is be absolutely goddamn poetic. Or not. Y'know, sometimes I just like to do things for shiggles. Gotta have my own flair--my own style!

Alright, that's enough nonsensical stalling. Now I'll get to the #HashtagRealtalk portion of this post.

So I've put a lot of thought into it, and I've decided that I'm going to go with the metaphor of my life being a story (preferably a cool one that gets told at parties)--or, perhaps even better, a screenplay. I'm the main protagonist because, y'know, it's my life and stuff.

Essentially what I want to do this next year is introduce a few new characters, and maybe get to know some who haven't had as much screen time as I feel they deserve (I'm the playwright as well as the main character in this scenario). I want this year to be rife with interesting sub-plots, and I want to see who the audience thinks should have a bigger role in this story than they presently do (I'm also the audience, by the way--I never said the metaphor was perfect).

Basically, I've plans to work with a team of really cool people on a project that might become something bigger than just a grade for a class if we really put our all into it, and I hope that I get to know all of my teammates better in the process (and maybe get green-lit on Steam! Wouldn't that be something?). I also want to start hanging out with people who I don't see often enough but really enjoy the company of, because who knows how long it'll be before we're all too busy to make that much time for each other? And, of course, there's that one mysterious character who has been mentioned multiple times earlier in the show, but hasn't been in the spotlight until now! Hopefully going to see a lot of them in the acts to come.

All in all, I think this year is going to be a good one. I want to make more of myself, and do some things that are good for me--though not necessarily to the detriment of anyone else. If you guys need anything, you know you can always ask! I'm good like that. Have a happy New Year, everyone! See you in 2015!


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