Wednesday, July 23, 2014

But just what IS a J-Bird?

"J-Bird" is a nickname my friend Dan gave me, actually. My real name is Justin Cirigliano. You can probably see it down there where it says "Posted by" and all that.

I figure I should probably tell a little bit about myself so that those of you who may not know me will know what to expect. There's a lot I could say here that I probably won't due to the sheer space it would all take up. Where to start, though? Let's see...

Well, for one, I'm a camp counselor this summer. You can probably already tell that if you've read the post before this one. I've been learning a lot of things from my campers--some of which I never really expected to. At least, not from 8-year-olds. It's definitely been an interesting three weeks so far, and I look forward to the rest of the summer.

As great as being a counselor is, however, my passion is game design. I started when I was in middle school, and I'm still learning more and more with each passing day--whether by playing games, talking about them, or actually getting down and dirty and programming them. Most recently my obsessions have been Wind Waker HD and Magic: The Gathering. I've been examining the differences between the old version of Wind Waker and the HD remake, all the while taking selfies of my progress through the game (probably my favorite addition to the game, if I'm being honest). And in teaching my campers how to play Magic: The Gathering, I've noticed that I'm actually thinking more critically about the game itself, both in design and execution of the concepts it presents.

So as of now, you can probably expect a lot of posts inspired by my camp job, but I might break out into game design discussions on a whim as well. And, of course, sometimes I just talk about life in general. I don't know much about psychology except for what I observe, but I do get into that sometimes, too. Really I just find things interesting and want to share. That's the only theme you're probably going to see here aside from the inherent theming of my personality and interests.

And I guess that's really it. Obviously there's more to me than just the things I listed (I like music a whole hell of a lot, too, and I sing practically non-stop), but sometimes you just gotta impose limits. You'll find out all of my opinions and similar nonsense in due time. Until then, I guess just... wait. Or scroll up if there's a new post. Y'know. Use your discretion.

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