Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Catalyst

So I figured I'd put this here. This is the post I wrote yesterday that made me want to start this blog in the first place. I put it in italics because I like italics. And also because I don't know how to put giant quotes around it.

Today, I wore a My Little Pony shirt to camp for pajama day, as well as brought a Rainbowdash plushie, and I think the results were pretty interesting. Naturally, at first all of my campers were shocked, asking "You like My Little Pony!?" as if me wearing that shirt was some scandalous happenstance. And then, after their attempts to ridicule me (which would probably work had I an ounce of shame), 
two of them admitted to watching the show and liking it.

Of course, they waited until I was the only one within earshot.

I just think it's interesting how, if you show you're open to an idea, you get different reactions from people. Hopefully some of my campers will learn to be accepting so that their peers will open up to them, as well. It's certainly much nicer than being afraid to speak your mind in front of a group, and I could tell a lot of them were floored that I was bold enough to wear something they perceived as "girly". Dare to be different, I suppose.

"Pride" has become this loaded word, commonly linked to the LGBT community, but everyone can be proud of who they are--even us heterosexual folk. So go ahead. Wear that shirt that references that dorky thing that you like. And if you don't have one, buy one. Ain't no one can tell you how to dress, and they certainly can't tell you what to like.

This has been:
Hashtag Realtalk with J-Bird

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