Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So I'm doing a thing.

First Hashtag Realtalk with J-Bird:

Let's talk about how I actually have no idea how to make a blog. I'm kind of just winging it (Haha, get it? "Winging" because I'm calling myself "J-Bird"? Yeah, no. That's lame. Don't be amused by that).

So here's a post. Not sure what this will look like outside of the edit view, but whatever. Let's do this.

EDIT: Okay, so there's actually a preview button. Ha. I'm so damn talented. A natural, even.

I guess I'll take this time to kind of explain what I'm going to do with this blog. I'm assuming it's going to be pretty much the same as the stuff I'd normally post on my wall, except with more formatting and all that fancy stuff. I'll get into a groove with it, I'm sure. Probably going to go ahead and post a copypasta of the first Hashtag Realtalk I put up on my Facebook wall yesterday so that it's here. One day maybe it'll be considered historic. Probably not. I can dream, though.

I'm predicting a mix of seriousness and snark--maybe some rants, probably a few baseless ramblings and ravings not unlike that of a madman, and perhaps a hint of self-deprivation, but all within good taste. No one wants to read about how much I hate myself, so it'll be more like "Hey, guess what I did that was stupid this time." You know. Give the people the laughs.

That's pretty much it. I guess really, I'm just going to be me. If you like me being me, then stick around. If you don't, what are you even doing here? Go home. And if you're currently in your home, go to a different website. Or don't. I really can't force you.

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